If the results table of your stored proc is too complicated to type out the "create table" statement by hand, and you can't use OPENQUERY OR OPENROWSET, you can use sp_help to generate the list of columns and data types for you. Once you have the list of columns, it's just a matter of formatting it to suit your needs.

Step 1: Add "into #temp" to the output query (e.g. "select [...] into #temp from [...]").

The easiest way is to edit the output query in the proc directly. if you can't change the stored proc, you can copy the contents into a new query window and modify the query there.

Step 2: Run sp_help on the temp table. (e.g. "exec tempdb..sp_help #temp")

After creating the temp table, run sp_help on the temp table to get a list of the columns and data types including the size of varchar fields.

Step 3: Copy the data columns & types into a create table statement

I have an Excel sheet that I use to format the output of sp_help into a "create table" statement. You don't need anything that fancy, just copy and paste into your SQL editor. Use the column names, sizes, and types to construct a "Create table #x [...]" or "declare @x table [...]" statement which you can use to INSERT the results of the stored procedure.

Step 4: Insert into the newly created table

Now you'll have a query that's like the other solutions described in this thread.

   --these columns were copied from sp_help
   COL1 INT,
   COL2 INT   

Exec spMyProc 

This technique can also be used to convert a temp table (#temp) to a table variable (@temp). While this may be more steps than just writing the create table statement yourself, it prevents manual error such as typos and data type mismatches in large processes. Debugging a typo can take more time than writing the query in the first place.

If you're lucky enough to have SQL 2012 or higher, you can use dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object

I have just edited the sql provided by gotqn. Thanks gotqn.

This creates a global temp table with name same as procedure name. The temp table can later be used as required. Just don't forget to drop it before re-executing.

    declare @procname nvarchar(255) = 'myProcedure',
            @sql nvarchar(max) 

    set @sql = 'create table ##' + @procname + ' ('
            select      @sql = @sql + '[' + r.name + '] ' +  r.system_type_name + ','
            from        sys.procedures AS p
            cross apply sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object(p.object_id, 0) AS r
            where       p.name = 'myProcedure'

            set @sql = substring(@sql,1,len(@sql)-1) + ')'
            execute (@sql)
            execute('insert ##' + @procname + ' exec ' + @procname)

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